PT. Usaha Jayamas Bhakti (UJB) SMAP implementation program begins with the signing of the Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) Policy by Mr. Edi Amin as President Director of PT. UJB, which is a form of the company’s seriousness in implementing ABMS.
The series of Anti-Bribery Management System implementation began with ISO 37001: 2016 Awareness training, preparation of SMAP targets and Risk Register.
With the implementation of socialization and training, every personnel of PT. UJB can know and understand the anti-corruption policies that apply in the Company, and is committed to implementing ABMS based on 4 No’s, namely:
1. No Bribery (no bribery and extortion)
2. No Kickback (no commission, thanks in cash or other forms)
3. No Gift (not accepting gifts or gratuities that are contrary to the laws and regulations)
4. No Luxurious Hospitality (not conducting/receiving excessive receptions).